Fresh From The Boat

Posted February 2nd, 2011 by twoxsea with Comments Off on Fresh From The Boat

 It is common practice in the seafood industry to list fish as “local” to the city where they are landed. In fact, many of these fish were harvested in foreign waters with inadequate laws and protection for fish species. This is not an honest or sustainable practice, and not something we endorse. All products we carry are truly harvested in the waters of the geographic areas listed.

To view our fresh from the boat selection click here.

Bay Area restaurants and you

Posted January 31st, 2011 by twoxsea with No Comments

Sustainable seafood, unsustainable seafood, Bay Area restaurants and you

The story that will likely burn up the interwebs today (for good reason) comes courtesy of San Francisco Magazine. The cover story of the February issue is an expose of sorts into sustainable seafood and the prevalence of unsustainable seafood on local restaurants’ menus.


Good Magazine

Posted January 31st, 2011 by twoxsea with No Comments

With All the Lies About Sustainable Fish, Two San Franciscans Get on the Boat

Let’s say a restaurant really wants to do the right thing, by serving only fresh fish, caught in a way that doesn’t imperil the species or the ocean ecosystem, that still tastes good. In the Bay Area, many, many places are trying to do the right thing, from Chez Panisse in Berkeley, the bastion of sustainability, right on down the supply chain to McDonald’s.


Fish Or Cut Bait

Posted January 28th, 2011 by twoxsea with No Comments

FOCB is an initiative that was created to answer the question, “What can I do?” in the face of a flood of contradicting claims and evidence regarding the origin of Sustainable Seafood and the facts behind these claims. It’s hard to know who to believe, and why they may have made the claim. Mis-information propagates rapidly, leaving us paralyzed or making the wrong decision with best of intentions.

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